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Barts Cove or Chadwick Bay ?

Has anyone out there ever rented a slip at Barts Cove in Dunkirk harbor ?

I'm thinking of moving over there in 2017 because it's cheaper than Chadwick Bay.

Is there a gate to the docks to keep crooks off your boat ?

Is the water deep enough to get in and out without prop damage ?

I own a 22 foot Crestliner Eagle IO

Also,  any opinion on Chadwick since new owners took over last year ?

I slipped there a 4 years back, on F dock, no frills before I moved to Wilson to catch salmon and trout, but the old owners were lazy and I was always afraid to leave my stuff in the boat overnight because the neighborhood is full of low lifes . I had a friend who's boat got robbed but no one ever messed with mine because I always hauled my gear home.

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I have never had a slip at Chadwicks , but I know that the new owners took good care of the launch area this past year keeping it clean & free of goose crap. Also the workers are younger & seem to be a bit more on the ball.  My brother had a slip at Chadwicks for about 7 yrs under the old owners & it was not taken care of too well.


I'm putting my boat at Chadwick Bay this year.  I had the new owner on my boat last season and I had a positive opinion.   I checked on vandalism and reports I had weren't too bad.  I keep my stuff locked up or off the boat to try and minimize that anyway.   I had been splitting time between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie so this year I'm staying on Erie as it's closer to home.   I think if you can do something by Feb 15th the rate is better.              


I have had a slip in Chadwick for five years. Always left rods in holder the night prior before going out. I got robbed this year. My own fault for being lazy and not putting things away. With that being said it's a good place to dock lots of good folks. There are thieving scumbags every were. I lost six complete setups. I know they were not fisherman because they took the least expensive setups and left my wire divers / roller rods. 

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