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So the depth chart on the Jet divers claims 100’ of 17lb mono will achieve the target depth of the diver being used (at speeds of 1.5-2.5mph).


The precision trolling app says that in order to reach 30 fow on a Jet 30 you need to let out 197’ of 30lb braid (which is equivalent diameter to about 8lb mono).


THIS IS A MASSIVE DISCONNECT and I don’t know which one to follow.


Also, how is trolling with braid? I was always told mono is choice for trolling.


I am looking to run a 4 rod spread off Church walleye boards, outside/shallow boards running either deep diver Bayrat cranks (20-25 fow) and the inside boards running sticks or spoons off Jet 30s...Or for a deeper set up run Jet 30s on outside and Jet 40s on inside with whatever baits


Lastly - will the walleye boards even be able to pull Jet 40s ?





Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App


First with a 4 rod spread off Church boards, I would suggest you keep each side the same.  Example - 2 deep diving cranks on one side and 2 jets with spoons on the other side.  By doing this if your outside board takes a fish you just slide the inside board out then reset the inside.  With different stuff on each board you have to reset whole side.   Jets likely don’t run as deep as advertised and they run best with spoons, harness’s or easy pulling plugs.  Dive charts to me are just a guide as so many variables with speed, lure and line.  I don’t use jets anymore but I found 10, 20, and 30 jets easier to run than 40’s or 50’s.  Braid will run deeper than mono but mono is easier to use with releases.  Each has their place. Hope this helps.


Jets keep the walleye lures up in the target zone during slow downs, turns, stops while trolling. They are good to go to while the surface water temperature is below 65 degrees F.

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