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Posted (edited)

PENNSYLVANIA  *** UPDATED 3-28-2020 ***

Charter boats and Guides operations now not permitted


The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has received clarification from the Pennsylvania Governor’s Office regarding the classification of charter boat and fishing guide operations. The Governor’s Office has determined that charter boat and fishing guide operations (whether conducted by boat or on foot) DO NOT meet the definition of a life-sustaining business. Such operations are classified as a recreational industry and continued operation of such businesses is not permitted under the Governor’s Order of March 19, 2020. Operators may be subject to enforcement procedures if found out of compliance with that Order.




Posted (edited)

***  3-26-2020   ***


Please practice social distancing while fishing and boating.


the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Wolf has issued several Executive Orders that have direct bearing on our day-to-day lives.  Since fishing was included in the list of permitted activities as a lift-sustaining business on 3/24/2020, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission encourages you to adhere to the recommendations contained in the following press release, with particular emphasis on practicing the social distancing guidelines mentioned in Governor Wolf’s orders.

With your assistance, we can help stop COVID-19 from spreading.  If you have any questions, please let us know.  Thank you for your cooperation.

COL Corey L. Britcher

PA Fish & Boat Commission

Bureau of Law Enforcement

PO Box 67000

Harrisburg, PA 17106




Actually in NY State they have been enforcing 6 ft Rule ,the other day the Sheriff ran all fishermen off the launch docks at SBH. Technically Charter Fishing Boats are not considered Essential Business here in NY state as well.I have had my boat out twice for perch,but with me alone in my boat.I would bet if someone on a boat where 6 ft distance can't be maintained comes down with Virus and it is found out ,operator of the boat could be fined.Probably soon NY will shutdown fishing if fishermen do not practice 6 ft distance.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Lake Erie United Mobile App


New York State on PAUSE" executive order, a 10-point policy to assure uniform safety for everyone, includes a directive that all non-essential businesses statewide must close effective at 8PM on Sunday, March 22, and temporarily bans all non-essential gatherings of individuals of any size for any reason. 
At this time, fishing guides or charters of any size have not been determined essential and if currently operating would be in violation of the Executive Order.
The full and updated guidance on which types of businesses are determined essential and other designations associated with the order can be found at: https://esd.ny.gov/guidance-executive-order-2026
If a business would like to request designation as essential, they can contact Empire State Development at: https://esd.ny.gov/content/request-designation-essential-business-purposes-executive-order-2026

Sent from my SM-G960U using Lake Erie United Mobile App


I’m with Larry that our charters are a non essential business.  We have a moral obligation to our clients and our families to do the best to protect lives.  To me that means no charter trips until work can resume, restaurants serve meals, parties can be planned and public rest rooms are available.  Safety has to come first.  For now I’m sticking close to home and any fishing I do will be local and solo.  Right now I ‘m hoping that by June we can see some normalcy returning where we can begin to plan for some fun things like a fishing trip.  Fingers crossed,

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