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  1. Posting for a friend https://www.kijiji.ca/v-other-boat-watercraft/city-of-toronto/boat-trailer-19-x-70/1443828734?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
  2. Hey everyone. Starting to get excited for the upcoming boat season on Erie. Yes I know it's early yet but it's kind of like dreaming of winning the lottery... It Gets you through. Would like to get my wife and four year old into some perch. We would access Erie anywhere from Nanticoke all the way to Point Abino. Does the spring fishing usually start around early May and is there any particular structure we should be looking for? I read on another post on the US side that you would fish in less than ten FOW close to the beach. Safe to asume that it's more or less the same on our side of the lake? Any tips appreciated. Cheers. Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
  3. Was out October 8th for the evening bite and managed two walleye. Lines down at 4.30pm and packed it up at 6.30. Sun went down way too soon for my liking. We spent our time in 75 feet of water away from most boats which seemed to be in the high 80s or deeper We ran two worm harnesses and two sticks - a silver blue cotton Cordell and a white flicker minnow. The Cordell on the rigger set 10 feet off bottom took both fish. Dipseys did nothing and nor did the tadpole diver. Water was calm as forecasted. Was out doing the same thing a few weeks back and we killed it. On pretty much the same set up we had our two man limit in less than three hours. I guess that's fishing. Still a great time. The weather was wayyy better than here in Stoney creek. Very sunny and hot enough to have the swim shorts on. Happy fishing and happy Thanksgiving everyone. Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
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  4. Put 'sold' in the title Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
  5. Where are you located Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
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