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Everything posted by gethookedfishn

  1. ARE YOU A DIE HARD WALLEYE FISHERMAN? GOT NOTHING PLANNED FOR CELEBRATING NEW YEARS EVE! THIS IS YOUR FREE FRONT SEAT TICKET TO WATCH THE 26TH ANNUAL PORT CLINTON, OHIO “WALLEYE DROP”, ORGANIZED BY THE WYLIE WALLEYE FOUNDATION WATCH HERE: https://wyliewalleyefoundation.com/ OR HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orKqXp1zuJw What is the Walleye Drop? It’s one of Western Lake Erie’s most iconic New Year’s Eve celebrations. In Port Clinton, "The Walleye Capital of the World", the annual Walleye Drop will be streamed live by Buckeye Drone starting at 9pm During Walleye Madness @ Midnight, Wylie Walleye the mascot of Port Clinton will drop from the sky to kick off the New Year, followed by a fireworks display over the waters of Lake Erie. The brand new LED lighted Wylie Jr, a 20-foot-long, 600-pound fiberglass Walleye, has been ushering in the New Year in Port Clinton since the 1997. Back then Wylie was made simply of paper mache, now 26yrs later 1000’s brave the cold and gather to await Wylie Jr to descend as a New Year begins. This event has got so big they are simulcast on split screen with the Times Square New Year's Ball in New York City. https://www.yahoo.com/.../walleye-drop-2022-includes... WALLEYE DROP IN 2022 INCLUDES NEW ATTRACTIONS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYDVou19VHY PORT CLINTON WALLEYE DROP LIVE AND IN-PERSON AS NORTHWEST OHIO PARTYGOERS SAY HELLO TO 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qzk5gC7Goo ANNUAL WALLEYE DROP 2021
  2. I've been preaching that for years. In 2015 I did Post about Walleye Wings on a couple of Canadian Fishing Forms (I'm a Canuck) This past Spring I even contacted the Ontario Commercial Fisheries' Association http://www.ocfa.ca/ and Member Walleye Processors on the feasibility of utilizing Walleye Wings just like the Processor from Kenora, ON. Chicken Wings have flown the coop and Walleye Wings™ are the new catch of the day. Freshwater Cuisine from Northern Ontario is on a mission to reduce waste. They transform under-used fish species and parts that fishermen throw away into mouthwatering morsels. Seriously crunchy and meaty! www.freshwatercuisine.com It was disappointing when I didn't get a response. One of their Commercial Members from Killarney, ON has 2 Fish and Chips Stores. I Emailed the Owners back in April suggesting they add Walleye Wings to their Menu but no such luck. Walleye Wings can be fried or baked, but grilling them is a quick, easy way to cook them. Be sure to rub liberal amounts of olive oil on them to prevent them from sticking to the grill, and leave the grill lid open to watch for flare ups.Prep: 5 minutes Cook time: 5-6 minutes Difficulty: EasyIngredients: • 1 limit’s worth of walleye wings • olive oil • salt and pepper or season with a little Alpine Touch and Cajun or your favorite seasoning. Dip in Drawn Butter.Directions: 1. Lather the walleye wings in olive oil to prevent them from sticking to the grill grates. 2. Place the wings on a medium-temp grill and leave the hood open to watch for flare ups. 3. Grill for a couple minutes on each side, then remove once the fins start to become burned. 4. To eat, treat the fins like a tooth pick and bite down just above them to pull the flaky meat off.Enjoy
  3. DO WALLEYE HAVE WINGS? THEY SURE DO! Now that Walleye fishing has been fantastic I thought I would Repost my March 20th Thread "IT’S NEAR TIME FOR DELICIOUS WALLEYE WINGS" LINK: Yes, Walleye do have Wings. It's the Chin or Breast Meat. For years, anglers and consumers have known about the delicacy of walleye cheeks, but are now learning of the new rage of Walleye Wings. It has taken many years for Walleye Cheeks (the filet mignon) to go mainstream which are now sold at many Fish Markets, in time I expect Walleye Wings to do the same instead of being wasted by the ton or going for Cat Food. If you haven't eaten any you will find that they are good as Cheeks and if not better tasting. Several years ago (well over 25) I read an article in OOD Magazine on how to cut out and cooking "The Pecks" (now called Walleye Wings and also known as Chin & Fins, Bat Wings, Wishbones and Rabbit Ears). I had a copy of that article and showed it to numerous other Walleye Fishermen over the years to get others eating this delicious part of the fish as I have been doing since reading that article. It’s a shame how many of The Pecks (Walleye Wings) go to waste each year when the public could be enjoying this part along with the Cheeks. If you have never heard of them, it is the “V" under the gill plate that is normally tossed out with the head after you fillet the fish. When the Wings are cut out with the Pelvic/Ventral Fins, then cut between them on the larger ones so you have two Fins and what you'll notice is a big hunk of meat attached to each. The Fin can be used as a handle. The bones are larger and somewhat flat and easy to pull out as you eat them. The meat is very sweet, and makes an awesome appetizer. You can bread'em, fry'em, saute'em, grill'em, smoke'em then coat them in whatever your favorite Dipping Sauce is for Fish. Cocktail or Tartar (preferably homemade) or even Ranch or Dill Dressing. If you Grill"em, season with a little Alpine Touch and Cajun or your favorite seasoning. Dip in Drawn Butter. I learned from that article to make the “V” cut which only takes seconds, which includes both Pelvic/Ventral Fins as shown in these YouTube Videos. Cutting out Walleye Wings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ino6fZQVHzE Walleye Cleaning – Chins /Walleye Wings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVkGwMfR0gg How to cook Walleye Wings- Savory Goodness (In this Video the Wings are marinated in Beer) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IXqm-3R2OA Recently, in March of this year I thought I would Google "Walleye Wings" looking for additional information and I find a Company from Kenora, ON called Walleye Wings Inc. who has a Website and Facebook Page. They have taken Walleye Wings mainstream with Packaged Breaded and Smoked Walleye Wings and currently distribute to several restaurants, grocery stores, lodges and gas stations in the region. The Company trademarked "Walleye Wings" on June 16, 2010. If you are now enjoying Walleye Wings, please tell all your fish'n buddys that don't utilize this part of the Walleye and have them read this article and check out the YouTube Videos. I do hope more Walleye fishermen will be enjoying their Wings this upcoming Walleye season. Please Post your thoughts on this Thread once you have tried them.
  4. Increased Yellow Perch and Walleye Allowable Catches for 2017 The commission that oversees fishing on Lake Erie is allowing a big increase in the number of walleye and yellow perch that can be caught this year. The Lake Erie Committee of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission agreed to a 20 percent increase in the total allowable catch for walleye. The group also increased the total allowable catch for yellow perch by 13 percent The limits are for both sport anglers in Ohio, Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania along with anglers and commercial operations in Canada. Excellent spring hatches in 2014 and 2015 are behind the increases. JUST GOOGLE "Increased Yellow Perch and Walleye Allowable Catches for 2017" for News Stories. I first read it at this LINK http://www.portstanleynews.com/details/headline.aspx?menu=mobile_news_news_increased-yellow-perch-and-walleye-allowable-catches-for- 2017 Here's a Link to Lake Erie Committee Announces Walleye and Yellow Perch Harvest Levels for 2016 http://www.portstanleynews.com/details/headline.aspx?menu=1024_News_News_Lake+Erie+Committee+Announces+Walleye+and+Yellow+Perch+Harvest+Levels+for+2016
  5. One day you will be able to Order Walleye Wings at your local bar or pub. A great tasting appetizer.
  6. Use whatever your favorite Dipping Sauce is for Fish. Cocktail or Tartar (preferably homemade) or even a Ranch or Dill Dressing.
  7. Thanks for Posting your Wings Pic.
  8. Yes, Walleye do have Wings. It's the Chin or Breast Meat. If you are now enjoying the Cheeks (the filet mignon) give Walleye Wings a try. You will find that they are good as Cheeks and if not better tasting. Several years ago (well over 25) I read an article in OOD Magazine on how to cut out and cooking "The Pecks" (now called Walleye Wings and also known as Chin & Fins, Wishbones, Bat Wings and Rabbit Ears). I had a copy of that article and showed it to numerous other Walleye Fishermen over the years to get others eating this delicious part of the fish as I have been doing since reading that article. It’s a shame how much of The Pecks (Walleye Wings) go to waste each year when fishermen could be enjoying this part along with the Cheeks. I learned from that article to make the “V” cut, which includes both Ventral Fins as shown in these YouTube Videos. Cutting out Walleye Wings How to fillet a Walleye and get all the meat! Cheeks, Wings and Fillets Recently, I came across another Video where the whole Breast Plate is cut out, which I will be doing this upcoming Lake Erie Walleye Season. Walleye Wings Breast Meat Dont toss out the Walleye breast bone meat called Walleye wings. Its easy to remove and has lots of prime meat. How to cook Walleye Wings- Savory Goodness Here is a Link to an excellent Article done by Blogger Mark Schram who is an avid tournament fisherman from Wisconsin. In his Article “WALLEYE WINGS” it has a bit of History, Cooking Methods and more along with a Picture of Deep Fried Walleye Wings. Walleye Wings - My Fishing Partner http://myfishingpartner.com/walleye-wings/ For years, anglers have known about the delicacy of walleye cheeks, but are now learning of the new rage of walleye wings. For those who have never heard of them, it is the " V " under the gill plate that is normally tossed out with the head after you fillet the fish. The bones are larger and somewhat flat and easy to pull out as you eat them. The meat is very sweet, and makes an awesome appetizer. You can bread em, fry em, grill em, smoke em then coat in BBQ sauce or use your favourite Dip. Don't forget! If you are deep frying your wings then be sure to eat the actual fins, not just the pad of meat. They have a resemblance to crispy potato chips. In June of 2015 I Posted this on a couple of Lake Erie Fishing Forums. Recently, in March 2017 I thought I would Google "Walleye Wings" looking for additional information and I find a Company from Kenora, ON called Walleye Wings Inc. who has a Website and Facebook Page. They have taken Walleye Wings mainstream with Packaged Breaded and Smoked Walleye Wings and currently distribute to several restaurants, grocery stores, lodges and gas stations in the region. It took many years for Walleye Cheeks (the filet mignon) to go mainstream and are now sold at many Fish Markets, in time I expect Walleye Wings to do the same instead of being wasted or going for Cat Food. Please tell all your fish'n buddys that don't utilize this part of the Walleye and have them read this article and check out the YoutTube Videos. I do hope more Walleye fishermen will be enjoying their Wings this upcoming Walleye season.
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