Thanks for the info Dave. I haven't seen that type of set up on a bunk before. Usually a slide board run along the fender. As I stated before, your Starcraft is a nice ride. But then I`m partial to Starcrafts, owning a totally refurbished 1972 Starcraft Starchief.
Good Luck with the sale, but i`m sure luck will have nothing to do with it.
Does that positioning of roller guide help out more (Loading and un-loading of a boat), then positioning the guide closer to the rear of your trailer.
Simple question.
Guess I needed to be more specific.
Roller Guide mounted on the side of your trailer, middle of your boat.
Does that positioning of guide help out more then positioning the guide closer to the rear of your trailer. Just curious is all.
Doesnt detract in any way shape or form from the fact that your boat is a very nice ride. I`m sure any one who is the next owner will enjoy!
shinintimes, the change your reluctant to bring about, even though youve made purchase, will be good change in the end.
And a wave hello to a Neighbor.