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Everything posted by Youngblood

  1. https://www.fishusa.com/product/UCharters-Slide-Diver-Depth-Chart
  2. That is correct. The rings come in 2 sizes.If you are running 2 dipseys or 2 slide divers on 1 side of the boat you can run the larger rings on you inside rod so it dives deeper with less line out.Smaller ring on the outside with more line out.Gives you a better spread and less tangles.
  3. The performance rings in my link above will also fit Lure Jensen dipsy divers.
  4. I don't think it's for stealth.It's hard to get a 3.5in. dipsy threw a1/4in. guide
  5. You can buy a larger rings for more depth.It's got to be easier to deploy and not have to hand line.https://www.fishusa.com/product/UCharters-Slide-Diver-Performance-Rings
  6. I fished solo most of the summer.It can really be challenging,I really kind of enjoy it.Yesterday I switched things up a bit and went to Ontario.Fat 10 lber.can be a handful but not as much as a 30lb king especially with a dipsey rod with long lead pulling a flasher fly.I really had my hands full.Hope you find a net man good luck.
  7. I had a nice limit fishing Saturday working the deeper water to the West of the Catt.Only had one in my limit under 20" one about 5 another about 7lbs.but I had to work for them.
  8. Fished solo out of the Catt.headed West. Managed 7 eyes only 1 short. Lost a couple at the boat. All fish caught form 85-94Ft. 75- 85 down on the riggers. !75 to 200ft. back on my dipsey. All on harnesses Copper watermelon and black and pink.
  9. Fished off the Catt. 9/5 short solo trip 1-4. Fished from 80-90ft. Only managed 1 good Walleye about 4lbs. Was pulling harnesses caught about 8 Perch.Every time I checked my riggers I was pulling a Perch or a whitey or my bait was gone.Tried sticks for awhile to no prevail.
  10. Fished Saturday out of Dunkirk solo. Boxed 5 couple throw backs.Half a dozen descent Perch.Black and pink harnesses 140 and 150 back set on 3.5. 60 to 65 on riggers. 65 to 75 fow.Nice mix size on the eyes.
  11. https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0LEVjjQ7mNZOa4AqOInnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Bottom+Bouncer&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001
  12. Bottom bouncer.
  13. Fished solo out of Dunkirk 630 - 3. Got 5 eyes and 1 Perch. 60 -75ft.Riggers 10 color and dipsey all took fish. Just fished harnesses.
  14. DJ's Campground is to the right going out of Barcelona. A ways before Brocton you can see the trailers.
  15. Hear is a good interactive map. http://www.charts.noaa.gov/OnLineViewer/14838.shtml
  16. Glad you hooked up.
  17. Fished solo out of Barcelona. Only got 3. Mid sixties was the best depth for me. 2 came off 10 color.1 off the rigger.
  18. Don't know where your fishing.Helps if you put your location in your profile,Here on the East end I would start looking in about 50Ft.
  19. Fished out of Barcelona 50 to 65 ft. Fished mostly harnesses.Only managed 3. Another tough day out there.
  20. Forgot to add.The cottonwood was out of control.Had to check my lines and clean often.
  21. The Pike and Cat were about 10 lbs. Bass about 3.5 .I didn't get a picture of the Pike. He engulfed my Renosky and broke the rear hook right off the lure. Pure junk lures.I operated on him and tried to get him back in the water as fast as possible.
  22. Fished off the windmills yesterday 6/7 27 to 41ft. Caught a Bass a Catfish and a Northern.No eyes.
  23. The Hanover Launch at the Catt. has a cleaning station.
  24. LOU has 19,683 members and has been around for many years. LEU has only 1,269 members and has only been around for a little over a year. It's like comparing Apples to watermelons.Both Lakes are world class fisheries we are blessed.If you want information just handed to you maybe Lake Ontario is for you.Most of LEU members are also members of LOU.I look at it as give a little get a little.Your 1st post here and your bashing it.Not the best way to get info.
  25. Lamprey sores on Walleye So far this year I have caught 2 Walleye with what appeared to be Lamprey wounds on them. Sores were round shaped and pretty fresh. I have only been fishing Erie for a few years and don't recall ever catching any with sores like these in the past. Are some years just worse than others ? I know they both spawn about the same time and maybe it just over lapped more this year than other years I have fished. Anyone else catching any like this so far this year ?
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