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Everything posted by Youngblood

  1. https://www.weather.gov/buf/LakeTemp
  2. So like " take off you hosier".
  3. My buddy and I got 7 opening night near Buffalo.
  4. Fished solo out of the Catt 10-6. Got 10 Eyes few Perch. 68 to 80fow. 60 to 67 on the riggers. 150 out on size 0 Dipsey did the best. Watermelon harness black and pink and gold colored Storm Thunderstick all took fish.
  5. Disregard. I forgot those have rounded corners. Good luck Try to contact ? https://www.taylormadeproducts.com/windshield-glass-solutions/
  6. Any glass company should be able to cut a piece of safety glass for you. You may need to drill out a couple of pop rivets and replace. Put the old gasket back around. Pretty simple.
  7. $15 to launch, $10 for seniors & vets.
  8. Accudepths are Daiwa not Okuma
  9. Thanks that has had me wondering for a couple years.
  10. Thanks for the Reports but shouldn't be North West Pa. ?
  11. That has been a struggle for most also.
  12. Fished solo out of the Catt last night. Found a limit.
  13. What would be a good time to pick it up tomorrow ?
  14. Way to salvage the day. Nice Cat
  15. x2 Got this one last year. Have seen a few guys wrestling with them on my way in from fishing the lake. Looks fun.
  16. https://spooncrankbox.com/ Made local. I believe he is located on Grand Island.
  17. If it is a Terrova I have a copilot system and auto pilot wireless remote system I would sell for cheap.
  18. Minn Kota Power Drive ?
  19. Let me know if you get bored while in quarantine. lol
  20. Nice coldfeet. Where do you get the tail fins ? I need about 50 of those to replace the broken ones on my Raps.
  21. Looks like he is jigging with Offshore boards.
  22. 1st one that comes to me. How do rivers burn? https://clevelandhistorical.org/items/show/63
  23. i would think the sand has some levels of industrial contamination.
  24. Disconnect your positive wires from your charger at the battery, Plug your charger in.Use a multimeter you should have 13.1 to 13.6 volts on those wires if not it is your charger is bad.
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