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Everything posted by Shellback

  1. I was eyeing up this Monday to Thursday, but passed due to the weather. Maybe the week after Labor Day.
  2. Hoping to get up again soon. Thanks for the report!
  3. Looks like you had a good day!
  4. How do folks make up their leader from dipsey to lure? The dipsey has a barrel swivel at the terminal end. Do folks put a snap on there to attach worm harnesses, or do you put a snap on the worm harness? How about a leader for a stickbait or spoon? Plain snap at each end or snap and a snap swivel? I had a leader ball up in a big knot last time out. Not sure how to prevent that. Maybe folks just tie off the leader directly to the dipsey. Rather avoid that as it's a problem with storage.
  5. Got up to North East Sunday afternoon, it was blowing a gale on the lake. When out Mon morning and there was quite a swell on the lake. Just too uncomfortable trying to set lines. Went in about nine, then back out about noon, trying the Shade launch. Got a small walleye and a large sheepshead before thunderstorms chased us off at 2:30. Tues was rain in the morning then hot and still early afternoon, changing to strong winds again. Never got out on Weds, too much wind. Thurs our last day was nice but we only got 3 nice walleye. They were down 50 feet in 60 FOW. One on a rigger with a stickbait, and 2 on dipsies with a spoon. Tough fishing and even tougher weather.
  6. Maybe things are picking up out of North East. I've been reading the FishUSA reports and they said there was good action between the Ohio line and Walnut creek. Right now the weather reports are T/S's in the afternoon Mon & Tues, sunny Weds & Thurs. That's good for me, wife can't take the afternoon heat anyhow. Leaves me the evening after supper if I want to run out again. I have a cottage rented on the St Lawrence in Canada Sept 8-22. Not sure if the border will be open or not. Might be looking for something on Erie in that time frame.
  7. Coming up tomorrow, hope the weather is good. I think I'll give Walnut creek a try Monday morning. Had good luck there in June.
  8. Good to know there are alternatives to fishing the main lake, but I'm pretty much set on wanting to fish the main lake if driving that far. Weather forecast seems like wild guessing on their part. Winds seem more manageable now and the thunderstorms are usually in the afternoon. I like morning fishing and evening fishing so sitting out afternoons is no problem. I guess I'll make a final decision tomorrow. Thanks for all the replies!
  9. Was hoping to come up Sunday and fish through Thursday. The weather forecast sure doesn't look too good. I'm 6 hours driving one way and paying a motel bill for each night. I don't mind a sitting out a morning or afternoon, but I sure don't want to sit in a motel 2 days out of 4. The winds concern me more than the rain. I just have a Lund Alaskan 16 foot tiller boat.
  10. I'm looking at Aug 2nd to the 7th for some cooperating weather. I like to fish Sun thru Thurs to beat the crowds and easier room reservations.
  11. Hope to get back up there towards the end of the month. 6 hour drive one way for me, so I like to see 4 or 5 days of good weather. Scheduled for 2 weeks in Ontario mid Sept. With the border situation, that doesn't look good. How's the walleye bite in Sept? Might have to do my 2 weeks there.
  12. Sounds like your family had a nice day!
  13. Back over to Walnut creek this morning. 4 more nice eater size walleye. Left at noon before the storm, had to get ready for trip home tomorrow. All in all a productive trip for us. Only our second time on Erie.
  14. Went to Walnut Creek launch today. Got 8 nice eaters in 60 fow, down 35 to 40 ft.
  15. One 19 inch walleye yesterday. Poor fishing and not marking any. Word isthelake turned over and the fish left town. Thinking of going to Walnut Creek
  16. 1 white bass! A little rough for my 16 footer. Only fished a few hours in the morning. Yes from what others said, the lake flipped. temp dropped 10 or 12 plus degrees. Hoping for a better day today, Gonna fish the morning,then after supper
  17. Thanks! Hopefully I'll have a report by Monday afternoon.
  18. Thanks! Heading up tomorrow, will fish through Thursday and head home Friday. Better bring my D/R's just in case.
  19. If I can get suitable accommodations, I think I may come up Monday morning. I've got D/R's, big boards and inline boards. If boards are best for now, I;d rather use my big boards verses the inlines. Any recommendations on what to bring along? Thanks, Ron
  20. Thanks for the reply!
  21. I have a Lund Alaskan 50 HP tiller and was wondering what folks think of the wind and weather forecast for fishing out of N.E. this Mon to Friday? It's a 16ft 10 in and 82 inch beam boat and pretty stable boat. Actually feels safer than an older 19 foot Starcraft I had. looks like wind out of the north, and I imagine that's not good for the south side of Erie. Thanks, Ron
  22. Thanks for the replies
  23. Planning a trip in a week or two and will fish out of the North East Marina launch. What winds do I need to avoid? I just have a 17 foot tiller boat with a 50HP Honda. I'm retired and will watch the weather for the best possible days, and I'd rather fish Monday to Thursday. I fished the lake last August and only got out one morning and one afternoon due to the winds. Never trust a weather report! Thanks!
  24. I hope who lost it reads the forum. Great for you to try and get it back to the owner,
  25. When does the walleye bite start in North East, PA. My first trip was last Aug, but we had a lot of wind. When we could get on the lake with my 16 foot Alaskan, we did well. Probably camp at Lakeside.
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