kayaks after dark
With fishing season coming up fast,i have wrote a letter to the US Coast Guard,reading "Kayaks" on the water after dark. It seems that regarding to the light code they only have to have a "white"light somewhere on them....there have been many close calls hitting these Kayaks while fishing after dark,we as in larger boating craft...have to have a port light,starboard light,a white light on the transom,and a upper white light above our taller deck to be seen at night. and above all,if we were to hit a kayak with out seeable lighting its our fault. Time for the laws to be changed...or maybe its time for these little boats to be off the water at dusk...you would think the coast guard ,sheriffs dept,DEC would acknowledge to save a life or law suit by better safety standards after dark....i have nothing against kayaks...they have the right to fish as we do...but safer lighting restrictions must be enforced for the safety of all of us....