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  1. Fishhawk. Yes, they typically read higher. I was just commenting on how 1 day was 2.0 to 2.2 then 1 day was 2.5 to 2.7.
  2. Interesting for us, we fished Thursday n Friday Sept 12 n 13 out of Dunkirk in 70fow towards Catt with 2 riggers at 60 n 66 and 2 dipsys each side 190ft wire #3 setting n mag dipsy #1 setting 110. All stickbaits were run, Rogues, Bombers, n Excalibers. Thursday they wanted it fast, 2.5 to 2.8 at the ball. Friday, it had to be under 2.4mph at the ball with 2.2 best. The week before, 2.0 to 2.2mph at the ball. Not a lot of experience for us there as these were r first 2 trips ever but interesting seeing the wide variety of speeds they wanted...
  3. Fished 9/4 and 9/5 for the first time ever out of Dunkirk in 70 to 90 with 90 being the best. We had a blast. Mag dipsy on 1 out 85 to 130 on the inside and #1 dipsy on 3 out 165 to 220 were the producers as well as riggers parked from 60 to 66. Ran all sticks. 3 man limit each day with 5 bonus steelhead on 9/4 and 2 on 9/5. 1 metalhead broke us off that was over 12lbs pushing 15! Oh ya, and a few perch n a giant sheepie. Will have to fish Erie more often!
  4. K, thanks.
  5. Not looking for spots, just the depths i should be searching. I am guessing 30 to 50fow. Any general direction would be appreciated.
  6. Heading to Small Boat Harbor in Buffalo this weekend for the first time ever to troll for some eyes. Anyone have a starting depth? Bringing boards and 2 to 7 color lead cores. I have both a variety of sticks both shallow and deep and harnesses. Thanks for any feedback.
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