Jimski & Locoman, you are right about the black hole & NYC shyt hole. I agree & have said for years that those state parks should have launch ramps! Everything is there except for the ramps, they have roads, parking , lighting, restrooms. State should build ramps & breakwaters, with all the monies they take in from hunting & fishing. I believe lake Ontario has 30 + launch sites in NY & lake Erie has 7-8 in NY state form Buffalo to Barcelona. Me being retired I try not to fish on weekends now but did for years I know how the crowds can be & what a pita the jet skis are, we need more access for the best walleye lake in the country! How would we go about it ? I know S.Town walleye did try for yrs. back in the late "80's" but they were looking mostly at private land for club members use only if I remember right.