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Starcraft 75

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Everything posted by Starcraft 75

  1. Cannon Downrigger Covers Looking for a set of Cannon downrigger covers...call Bob 7166469724. Thanks
  2. One thing is for sure, you's have a good time fishing. How many did you end up with?
  3. Hey Yellowpike, you must have been one of the four boats that were there with us. We only managed 12 fish, I was in 16' starcraft flying a flag on my antenna. How'd you do?
  4. I just might try SP next seeing the Catt is very spotty and slow. I have no idea what the nine mile choke point is that you refer to. But thanks for the input..
  5. Yellowpike, you sharing the info? Going out In the morning only place I've caught a few was out of the Catt......
  6. Yeah, that be me....like I said , it wasn't hot and heavy........
  7. Yesterday we went out of the Catt and searched for an hour when we finally found a little pod in 69fow. Anchored on them and ended up catching 25, but it wasn't hot and heavy. Took a few hours, but we sat on them all day long. Just weren't biting for crap. They shut off when the winds switch from out of the NE. Didn't see another boat catch a fish and they had to be a dozen around us. Tough fishing so far.
  8. There is no weigh station at Dunkirk.......
  9. I've been fishing it for over thirty years and love the tournament and picnic. Great time and lotsa prizes. This year the picnic is going with a family theme trying to get the kids interested in fishing as we try to do a lot for kids. Don't forget the free kids fishing derby in July 15 at Chestnut Ridge. Good luck in derby and remember to be safe and curdious when your on the water.
  10. There were giant emerals at foot of Ferry Sunday right up against the wall on the corner. Couldn't see them, but they were there. Caught 25 jumbo perch out of the Catt Wednesday. Beautiful day for first time out.
  11. You are the man Larry. Gotta find minnows....Anyone know if they're at Foot of Ferry?
  12. They won't dredge SP till the spring. Can't believe you couldn't find any perch. Was a beautiful day to be out there.
  13. Sorry Nick don't know how to get my PM you sent
  14. Have any piks and looking for black and gold divers. Where are you located?
  15. You talking Niagara River, and where is Blue water? Where's your hunting camp and good luck hunting. My brother in law and I recently joined a hunting lease called Sunfish Run near Little Valley seeing we lost our old lease in Great Valley last year after 20 years there. Hopefully we can all bring meat home for the freezer and jerky. Good luck and great conversing with you. Great Holidays and Merry Christmas!!!!!
  16. We fished close in at SP in that 52fow a little west and caught 30 perch and they were jumbos....15" fish and one weighed 2#s. NBS Only lasted alittle over an hour, so we went out to our marks deeper and caught a few smalls. We were spoiled after the jumbos. Also in that 52fow we were catching hugh smallmouths 4 & 5#s and an undersize walleye. Beautiful way to end the season..What U been up to?
  17. Went out Tuesday and only caught 36 fish moving around a lot in 65 to 68 fow. Marked a ton of bait the screen was full a lot.......went a little west. Coming back in the boats were sitting on the dropoff in 50 fow a little west of Sturgeon and I heard they did well on big fish. Be there in morning.......
  18. Went out Wednesday out of Hanover, after checking our old waypoints in 76ft sat for awhile and caught acouple, decided to go deeper. Ended up in 82ft probably 4 miles west of Catt. Marked fish and a lot of bait. Only small pods of fish, but we managed to catch a couple dozen, and they were just loaded with minnows and seafleas. Probably why they weren't biting that good. Anyone know if there are any fish near Bflo?
  19. Went out of the Catt yesterday, Hanover still has ramps in, marked and sat on fish out in 76fow and only managed to catch couple dozen and a nice 5# walleye. They just weren't biting. North wind probably didn't help, but gonna try again next week weather permitting. Join Southtowns Walleye Assoc., great club and fishing tournament.
  20. Looking for 2 10# or heavier downrigger weights. Please call 7166469724.
  21. We have used Hanover cause they have a fish cleaning station and there is plenty of water. We launched a 20' Proline with no problem.
  22. Haven't fished Barcelona since beginning of June during Southtowns Walleye Assoc. tournament. Didn't do very well for fishing a week. Went out of the Catt today only caught 3 with an east wind. Tough fishing and a little bumpy.
  23. I'm known as Old Amigo, have a 75 16' StarCraft and love to fish. I've been a member of Southtowns Walleye Assoc. for over 30 years, great club, consider joining, you won't be disappointed. I reside in Hamburg, NY and fish this end of the lake. Love to hear from other anglers from this end of the lake. Fishing has been awesome this year.
  24. Went out yesterday out of SP, but were so far west you might consider going out of the Catt. Fish on bottom, try pink caught 2 10# plus in 71fow. Good Luck!
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