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My Way

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Everything posted by My Way

  1. Gone but never forgotten R.I.P. Mr. Fred Fails Today I learned of the loss of a very special person; Mr. Winfred "Fred" Fails. Mr. Fails taught at Waite High School (Toledo Ohio) for 33 years, he also ran a boat repair shop on Wamba Ave. right behind the Netty’s on Dorr St. Mr. Fails was a friend, a fellow fisherman and my boat repairman. Mr. Fails docked with me at Meinke’s Marina. He will be sadly missed. R.I.P. Fred
  2. Salmon Fishing Can anyone tell me when does the Salmon begin running?
  3. How big was the boat this unit came off of?
  4. What size motor did this come off of?
  5. It seems odd that they're catching early spring perch up there, while down here you don't generally start hearing talk of perch until July.
  6. Yes, many limits still being taken out of the river; Buttonwood Park,and Jerome Rd rapids areas, I'm sure with today's rain, the river has risen quite a bit...
  7. I fish out of Meinke Marina, the hot spot has been around Turtle Island. Sometimes I head east in front Davis Bessie. Sent from my SM-N910V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  8. Fish On Western Basin Was a little ruff last weekend due to the mud, but its do-able, only will get better from here on out...
  9. They were getting eyes trolling around the cans, at least last weekend (Sunday April 2) the water temp was 40 degrees, using shorter leads on the Bandits & Khaki at 25 back, speeds between 1.5-1.8 mph. But that was then, today winds gusting at 48 kt, waves 4-5 ft. Tomorrows forecast not much better; 23-26 kt, decreasing to 17-20 kt in the afternoon waves 3-4 ft., the Western Basin will look like chocolate milk, it will take days to clear up.
  10. Please keep updating, I've heard good things about the Detroit River, looking forward to fishing it this season...
  11. Thank you Sir, I appreciate the tip, I'm certainly going to try that this summer Sent from my SM-N910V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  12. Hey 10%, can you please provide a pic Sent from my SM-N910V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  13. Hey, Youngblood, not to sound naïve, but what is a Jigging Rap w/eye on the treble hook? Do you have a pic?
  14. From the chatter I'm hearingdown here in the Western Basin, there will not be an increase for sports/recreational fishermen. Something to do with the State legislature sets the limits.
  15. Maumee River Walleye Run And so it begins, the Annual Walleye Run in the Maumee River, I’m not big on the Walleye Eye Run in the Maumee River due to the crowds, but I have a few friends that have ventured out and got a couple of limits. For me, it’s the sign that the fishing season has kicked off, the Maumee Walleye River Run is the Black-Friday of the fishing season. Within a week I will be out jigging in the Western Basin bringing home all those gifts the lake has to offer. It’s just like when I was a kid on Christmas Eve night; I can’t sleep in anticipation…
  16. Depends on which version?
  17. Thanks everyone for all the help
  18. Are they sold? Are/were they the same as; Precision Trolling "The Toller's Bible" 8th Edition
  19. Precision Trolling "The Trollers Bible" 8th Edition Does anyone have or know where I can purchase this Precision Trolling "The Trollers Bible" 8th Edition? Printed in 2005
  20. Sounds good, you had me @ good fish tacos, I'll be there next year for sure, thanks for the input.
  21. Greater Niagara Fishing & Outdoor Expo Hello, I found out about the fishing expo a little too late to go this year. Did anyone attend? Any reports? If indeed, the show was good. I would like to attend next year. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  22. I Began fishing at the age 10 in Ten Mile Creek, West Toledo (before it became a cesspool) I fell off for many years then picked it back up 15 years ago. Purchased my first boat 2014, been obsessed since then... Hello fellow fishermen, All avid fishermen know how they feel about their boat & equipment. I'm posting to appeal to you fishermen. My older brother & I were 19 months apart in age, he passed away suddenly on April 22, 2016 @ the age of 55. With his passing my nephew inherited his poles, I inherited his tackle box & tackle. I was fishing on the pier at Catawba Island State Park on Tuesday, July 19, 2016. I left the tackle box. I left the park at approximately 9:30 AM. By time I realized & returned, it was gone. I am reaching out to anyone who may have seen it, found it, or know anything about it to please contact me. The value of the tackle box & it's contents fails in comparison to its sentimental value. If you have any information, please contact me at (419) 944-1580, or email at [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
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