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  1. Hook and line perch fishing with minnows. is this show is about. Old time Ohio Ice Anglers reveal their methods on Lake Erie ice. Access with airplanes like Piper Cubs or Ford Tri Engine airships out to rented fishing shacks set up for you on hot spots, also Ford model A and model T's before snow mobiles that worked. Using rented Ice Shacks set up for you saves your time om Lake Simcoe . Erie Emerald shiners are the desired bait if you can find and keep them all winter. Ten pound walleyes are ignored, dozens 0f yellow perch by the bucket full to feed your family, friends and neighbors make you the King of your neighborhood. For the early ice off are available also on local piers, docks and shoreline spinning rods and snelled hooks and a small sinker until June water temperatures move the perh deeper out to 55 foot of water for the rest of the summer. The Woodlawn Beach Breakwater and shore fish off the slag piles produce. Windbreaker canvas set up on wooden poles make weather out on the lake habitable. New York state has dozens of inland lakes that produce perch. Personal daily angler limit daily is 50 perch per fisherman and a five gallon bucket works fine especially if ice is present. A cooler loaded with hundreds of perch is asking for a visit to a judge fifty miles away.
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  2. Sarnia, Ontario is the main diesel refueling point where almost all modern freighters like the thousand footers refuel their ships.
  3. Ontario Peralleye gillnet fishing on Wi-Fi, tv Chch and Weck this out .WUTV? Search, Lake Erie Information on Commercial Reports
  4. Never has this situation stopped the big Makinaw in its history. Even WW2 When wartime needed all the steel production! The north winds have jammed the Lake Erie shoreline from top to bottom to keep the ice breakers from damaging their props.
  5. The bright night sky illuminates stick bates above deeper walleyes.
  6. At the Soo Army Corps of Engineers Sea Going Tug Cheraw was breaking the Derrick Boats, Dredges, the dump and deck scows free from the winter ice as the air temperatures are rising.. Lake Erie ice field was three foot solid with shoves from the bottom to heights of twenty foot. No commercial traffic here or in Ontario yet.
  7. Cell phones were used to location and communications efforts. 911 is useless, maybe 716 would work . Any way Hamburg Police met up and confirmed the parties were safe ashore. Charge the batteries on all cell phones so communication with homes and police saved !.Huge ice shoves are unpassable, over ten foot high unnecessary actions and worries.2X12 planks to crossover cracks.OLd timers used , wind breakers are safer out there. Charcoal stoves helped for cooking and warm drinks. Perch were not located but travel was bad.
  8. A new ship on the Great Lakes is for underwater construction. Sounds like footings for windmills?
  9. LT5, USACE Nash served in Normandy invasion, shot down NAZI Focke Wolf Fighter Plane with her 50 caliber machine gun at Normandy where she tended derrick boats unloading ships on the beach. Now on public display in Oswego, NY. Worked at harbor maintenance with the Derrick Boat McCauley on the lakes and seaway until age caught up.
  10. MAKINAW,30, MIGHTY Makinaw 83, WW2ept the steel mills supplied for war production. 48 inch ice breaker, Buoy Tender ice breakers, doing the job this year. Bramble, 180 buoy tender did the Northwest Passage, the 110 breakers, Ojibwa, Kaw escorted wartime convoys to England from Greenland, etc.,
  11. If Canada imposes a tax on its exports like the Western Grain production, Buffalo will give up its Cheerios, Doughnuts and Pizza.
  12. From Cleveland she freed up the Manitoulin stuck in Lake Erie Ice. Stationed on East Ninth Street Cleveland, across from the stadium, she came down here as the saviour of the Manitoulin who unloaded grain at the ADN grain elevator.
  13. Woodlawn Beach Shoreline Catfish use shrimp baits at night. Cattaraugus Creek Railroad Bridges 16 foot depths have a catfish spawn run in June. Shrimp baits do a number on 3 foot cats.
  14. A TV recording will be broadcast your catch and the electronic scale will be the record.
  15. Most smallmouth bass are not used for consumption and size limits and seasons are not necessary for protection. Bass contests can be increased earlier and non resident license sales will increase since the longer fishing access time increases.
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