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Everything posted by jimski2

  1. Navionics has an App that you can download to your smartphone. Cost is $16 with sales tax. All Lakes in USA and Canada Great Lakes and inland lakes are listed. Bottom contours are accurate. Ice fishing is also improved. Inside your home you can study the bottom of any Lake to plan your trips. A great investment for fishing success. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  2. Northeast winds cause cold water upwellings and fishing success falls off. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  3. Normally we add five mph to winds on Lake Erie compared to shore winds. But with high temperatures of surface water temperatures and cold air from the north, the lake generates its own weather system. Look offshore and if you see saw tooth waves out there conditions are not good. The weather buoys wave heights indicate the buoy travel, but it is not an accurate height of the wave since the buoy travels are short of the wave heights. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  4. Out Friday, picked up six, all on fire tiger stick bait. Four color and dipsey. 80 to 75 foot of water. Our group had 24 boats in the area. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  5. Ohub Campfire has a lot of sportsmen stories and news. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  6. Lake Erie United will pick up more members when it devotes columns to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Ontario news and reports. Lake Erie United should have stories of the whole state including Lake Erie. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  7. Paint striping is more economical and less damaging. But it would cut down on the commission for the architects who most likely never launched a trailer boat. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  8. When a family guy has the time off work with ma and the kids, you have to waste the precious family time waiting at the slow operation dumped on us by the docks operated regime who has no consideration for boat ramp users. They have done all they can to lease as many docks at our park without a minimal boat ramp operation. Trailer boat operators have been squeezed into the worst possible spot to give the dock leasers more room. We need better access to our public property instead of an income private operator. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  9. Battle of the points had several ten pounders today. Eight pounders were also seen but a lot of small walleyes came in. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  10. Speed bumps create broken trailer springs and a lot of noise. Just more problems. After unstrapping your boat more damage. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  11. Three miles due west of Smokes Creek. Marked by a Red Buoy. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  12. Bass fishermen use them successfully and reuse them again. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  13. Off of Point Breeze yesterday we picked up four walleye in two hours. The screen was full of fish at 59 foot of water where all the fish were caught. Nothing at 60 foot or deeper. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  14. With the warmer water the walleyes are migrating west of Sturgeon Point. We were off Point Breeze where the screen was full of fish top to bottom. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Eventually the thermocline will be west of Silver Creek.
  15. Took seven yesterday along with a 31 inch catfish. Largest walleye was 28 inches but the 18 inch walleyes are the good waters. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  16. East winds, blue bird sky, stay home and cut grass. Save your gasoline. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  17. East wind blowing pushes warm surface water to the west. Cold bottom water upwells to near the surface and the fish migrate west. When the WSW winds return the fish will return. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  18. Add a snap swivel to your boards from the rear attachment that will allow it to slide along the line to your lures. This also allows quick retrieval of a loose board.
  19. Walleyes at this time are suspended near the surface They do not appear on your graph as they are spooked by your boats presence. Long lines do not work either as the walleyes are not there anymore. Use side planers off the area where your boat has not passed. Vary the length of your lines off the planers or add small weights to determine where the action is. Stick baits are wigglers like Rapalas and divers shake more can determine the better lure. Worm harnesses off the boards will troll slower and attract walleyes to rise up to feed.
  20. When we fished for blue pike at night with coleman lanterns hung over the side of the boat in 55 foot of water, the emeralds came to the surface after dark and we dip netted them.
  21. The late summer perch grounds, water temperature on the surface of high seventies, will find the perch out in the sixty five to seventy foot depths. They will be stacked up ten foot solid and you can only fish one line since they strike as soon as you hit bottom. By mid August with cold nights, they scatter to closer to shore depths.
  22. The shale ends around 50-55 foot and the mud bottom starts there. The mud contains little critters that burrow into the that perch feed on. They migrate along that area to feed. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  23. Small craft advisory now. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  24. East wind, high. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  25. Easy wind now, whitecaps out there off Dunkirk. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
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