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Crazy Ivan

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Everything posted by Crazy Ivan

  1. Yeah a lot of those ravenous little guys were jumping on last Sunday for us too. Still up in the air if I'm going to brave the rain this weekend Good luck to all
  2. Last weekend I did well from 40-55 fow. Just drifting plucking em off bottom. There was still spawners around Van Buren
  3. Dunkirk Sunday afternoon Headed out at 4pm sunday. Fished marks in 70 fow. Boxed 1 waldo which fell victim to a big lip bay rat flatlined 300 back. Yet another t-storm chased us off before we could night fish. Starting to wonder if dropping on some of the bottom lurkers would yeild results...we'll see
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  4. Thank you H2Ochrome. Good fishin
  5. Dunkirk/Van Buren I put in friday evening for the season and watched the walleye fleet head for Van Buren. Is the night fishing style there (when there is a ton of boats) to anchor or troll? I didn't go and get into the frey. Secondly, when does the day start to become productive in the area? Thank you.
  6. The good news is that $1500 can get you one hell of a unit. I have a dragonfly 7 bought when it was relatively new to market cost ~$900 something. Now much cheaper and I give it an "eh".
  7. New to the Dunkirk Fleet I'm excited to say I will be joining the Dunkirk fleet this year as a weekend warrior ofcourse. I've been fishing silver for many years on Ontario and have taken up learning how to fish gold...tastes much better. Good luck to all, see you on the water. Capt. Rich
  8. I appreciate that, I'll try to convince someone to take a night trip with me before I run with my tail between my legs back to Lake O
  9. Daybreak till noon....worked hard to lose one. Brought in a few nice bass but no eyes. Wish I had more to share
  10. Thanks for the info. Heading out of Buff harbor, post later. Captain Rich
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