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Crazy Ivan

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About Crazy Ivan

  • Birthday 08/07/1979

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  • Name
    Captain Richard C Baliva
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  1. I did some exploring around Barcelona way today and bagged a few between 40 and 90. Reports were hit and miss
  2. Thanks Jimski2!
  3. Saturday- Started in 140 fow a good ways west and trolled in, probably my mistake. Picked up a walleye right away on a diver 90 out. As I worked in sheephead and steelhead...no more walleyes for meπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž. Anyone hit em saturday?
  4. Thats great! Mounting the perch?
  5. Yikes. Summer is so short. Hopefully things will pick up!
  6. How is the fishing lately? I miss the friendly folks there. I've been fishing salmon on the new Crazy Ivan, can't wait to fish Erie in August and chat it up a bit. Captain Rich
  7. Still available. Must see.
  8. Updated with new heavy duty axles, brakes, tires. Rated at 10,000 lbs. Less than 500 miles on new axles, sold boat, kept trailer. Heavy duty winch. $3,200. Ideal for 22-27' boats. Located in Rochester.
  9. Brother and I did well this morning out front and east a little. Fished strictly 60-64 fow. Most fish were taken within 10 feet of bottom. 7 color was really good with a lime/chartreuse reef runner. Spoons on riggs were great 50 to bottom. Fish and bait in 78 degree water? I'm still learning. There was one hog in there we took 8 or 9 pounds.
  10. Thanks Kramer93. I think I'll shake off some rust tomorrow morn
  11. Lets keep in touch. I can volunteer to type it up next year.
  12. Perhaps they have their reasons, I didn't ask straight out.
  13. Daaaaaammnn!
  14. Thanks. I called the STWA VP, Jim and had a nice converstion with him. He was able to fill me in over the phone. I don't think the info is posted anywhere.
  15. Is there anyone that can directs me to, or send me info regarding the calcutta winners and weights? I was directed by the SWA to go to the website, I was unable to find anything. Thank you.
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