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Everything posted by Smeltz

  1. Best to you & your son, Tim. January & Feb are decent months, too, to go in the Lower. Wx is more stable & it won't be crowded. Those are a couple of my favorite months to go when I fish there (with a charter, of course)!
  2. Try Cap't Ryan Shea of Brookdog Fishing (https://www.brookdogfishing.com/) or Cap't Matt Yablonsky of Wet Net Charters (https://www.getthenetwet.com/). Both are out almost ever day during those months & it's time on the water that will put you on fish. I've used both & both are top-notch
  3. My son & his friend took my jon boat (on a utility trailer & small outboard) there last summer, parked the trailer & hand carried the jon to the River. No problems at all
  4. Mostly Muskies: Larry...in what building is the Lackawanna meeting that you mentioned? That's the first I heard about it & am interested in it. Regardless of where a launch is built, for the miles of Lake Erie shoreline we have it's pathetic that there isn't more access. A launch or improvement project at Hamburg is out because that property is owned by the Locksley Park Homeowners Assoc & leased to the Town for $1/yr with the stipulation that it only be used by Hamburg residents. If grant money is used, it has to become open to the public, which will violate the lease agreement. I like your idea of the Union Ship Canal; protected from waves, wouldn't sand up, deep water, out of the SBH traffic pattern and probably the lowest cost of all the alternatives
  5. Here's what I learned from a charter who gave a seminar. The goby has the fused pelvic fin so it can hide & stick itself upside down in case a predator is in the area. This captain mentioned that if he's catching gobies, he picks up & moves because that means there are no predators in the area. If he's not catching gobies then the 'eyes are around & he'll stay fishing. When I've been off the windmills this year & catching 'eyes, I catch very few gobies
  6. BTW, when the 'eyes are captured to be tagged, their size, weight, age, location, etc are located. The data on their migration is stored in the receivers anchored to the bottom of the lake. Around October they start downloading the data & all that data is sent to GLATOS, where it is sorted & sent. A receiver that was anchored to the bottom could have the data from sturgeon, lakers, muskies, etc. GLATOS will send that data to each organization that has tagged fish. Conversely, US Fish & Wildlife have receivers anchored outside Bflo Harbor & that data could contain walleye data from fish tagged in Cleveland. USFWS will send their downloaded data to GLATOS & GLATOS will send it to whoever it belongs to. It takes a while for GLATOS to send the data out because they have to wait for everyone else to send their data so they can sort it all out. I hope I didn't make it more confusing than it needs to be
  7. The DEC & about 40 different other agencies have implanted transmitters inside walleye, sturgeon, lakers and a bunch of other fish to study their migration patterns. It's part of the Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation System (GLATOS). Receivers are anchored all over the lake, the Detroit River, St Clair and other places. The DEC Dunkirk station at Pt Gratiot runs the telemetry project in this area. I understand a walleye that was tagged in Western Lake Erie has parked itself outside Bflo Harbor. With the study, they can track the migration from Western Lake Erie to the Barcelona/Dunkirk area & pretty much anywhere else. The transmitters & receivers of all the fish run on the same frequency so 'eyes that have been tagged in Cleveland can even be tracked by receivers used in the sturgeon study that are anchored outside Bflo. The walleye that have been implanted have a spaghetti tag on their outside. DO NOT put the fish in the freezer. Return the transmitter to the Dunkirk office & you get a $100 reward. The other fish (like sturgeon) are NOT tagged on the outside & you won't know if they have a transmitter. You would let a fish like that go. Besides being illegal to keep, there is no reward. Here is the website for GLATOS if you wanted to see what else is going on. http://glatos.glos.us/
  8. Went out yesterday (Fri) from the Catt. headed NNW to 70' - 75', trolled north toward a pack of about 40-50 boats. Not that many trailers at the Catt so figured boats came from Sturgeon. Some boats had 5 or 6, others boxed out at 12. We got 10, Colors talked about were green, red/black, orange/black. Some boats with planer boards, others with riggers & Dipsey's. It was a mixed bag but it seemed everyone had some. Took a drive to Sturgeon today. Cold NNW wind (hate that), chop in the water, chill in the air, 6 trailers in the lot. Tomorrow's wind is supposed to be ENE <10. Hope the last time out for you is a good one.
  9. Larry...My condolences to you, your family and your wife. I've read enough of your travels to know that you frequently went there. I'm sure he will be missed. Best of everything to you while down there & safe travels to you & your wife as you make your way down.
  10. That's getting your clients on them Cap'n! Nice.
  11. Larry...please give the family my sympathies. Thanks...John J
  12. Good going, Yellowpike,!! I think perch fishing the last couple of years is slowly changing. A few years ago you could drop anchor & just about limit out. Now you gotta be mobile but once on them, they'll get hammered. A big CONGRATS to you!
  13. You got that right, Yellowpike. He had an old canvas bag with a couple of holes in the bottom. They would use that to keep their catch. The bag would get dipped & hung over the side. The evaporating water would keep it cool. My dad would tell me they fished for blues with a drop line. One guy rowed with oars, the other manned the hand-held drop lines & spreader from the stern with a minnow on each hook. Hang the Coleman lantern over the side to attract bugs, give one or two strokes with the oars, & the guy in the stern would work the hand-held. I'd wake up in the morning & see the old claw-foot tub half filled with blues. He & my uncle would go to Van Buren Point with their 2-1/2 hp Blue Streak & rent a wooden Penn Yan with lapstrake hull from Eddie Ball. First time he would take me in a boat was when I was 10 yrs old & that wooden boat was the best ride I ever had in a boat. That was life growing up in Lackawanna!! Dammmmm, those were good days!
  14. Sure is. "Yellow pike" is a term almost all of the old timers used when talking "walleye." Not to be confused with "blue pike" which was a fish near & dear to the hearts of the old-timers. I remember my father fishing with my uncle all night off Van Buren Point & catching enough blues to fill half the bathtub full. They would tell me that they'd throw the "yellows" back in & keep the blues because they tasted so much better. i was too young to go out on the boat like they did but the blues what what most fishermen brought in.
  15. Loads of bass boats off Wanakah this a.m. Maybe Bassmasters had something going on.
  16. In Lake Erie, the highest I ever saw was about two to three feet up from the bottom. I'll use two hooks about two feet apart vertically & make note of which they prefer. What I've seen on the sonar is for them to be right on the bottom, but I never caught any perch, say, 20 ft up over 50 ft of water. In Chautauqua, I like to look for weeds whose tops are about 6' below the surface in over 12'-14' of water, then fish right on top of the weeds. They'll come up from the weeds to hit it. I remember in my younger days, we would catch perch in shallower water but I think water clarity has changed all that.
  17. 1. I've been getting emeralds off the sewer plant by the International RR bridge, right at the first concrete piling as you walk towards the foot of Ferry. 2. The DEC was posting on its fishing hotline website that the bridge is supposed to open Spring 2016. The latest post said that the bridge is still closed. Haven't heard of any opening dates yet. 3. I got a report in my email on the emerald shiner situation. It was a status report from a scientific study going on. I'll post the report when I can find it again, but it looks like the emeralds picked up a couple of diseases & parasites which didn't do much for them.
  18. Last summer I saw a lot of guys slow trolling reeeeal slow, put it in neutral, drop their lines, pull up four or 5 quick ones, then back in gear hunting for more. The perch schools were thin & moving fast. For years before that, you could drop anchor & catch your fill. Not last year.
  19. I'll fish from Smokes to the Hamburg Beach at night with Rapalas, preferably with an electric. Just like a panther in the night.
  20. When I'm trolling real close to shore, like off Smokes, I'll use my electric & troll at 1 to 1-1/2 mph with a Colorado. I found my catch rate to go way up once I stopped using the kicker & switched to the electric. If I'm deeper, I'll use the kicker & have found that 2-1/2 is a good place to start. With faster speeds I'll also switch to willow leafs (willow leaves?)
  21. yeah, for sure. I like this site already!
  22. Nalod...In the Spring, I found that the Colorado's that worked the best were the #5's. I like to use those for close to shore on the reefs. Later in the summer, I'll switch to #4's & #3's. Best colors have been the chartreuse & dark oranges. I heard a seminar one time & the speaker talked about the rods & cones in the eyes of the 'eyes, having something to do with being able to see chartreuse & oranges the best. Maybe that's why fire-tigers work so well. Let me know when you have some to try. I'm willing to be the beta-guy.
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