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Everything posted by yellowpike1

  1. Sunset Bay Walleye Shoot Out 3 mins · Good morning everyone, I hope everyone is having a great start to their Holiday Season. I have enclosed the 2020 Sunset Bay Walleye Shoot Out Tournament registration form and team waiver form. We are extremely excited about next summer’s tournament, as it is our 10th year anniversary and we have some incredibly exciting new additions. These are all at no additional charge to the fleet and a proud part of our continued growth and advancement with our sponsors. - Payouts have increased in value and will now pay down 20 spots for the main event - Largest walleye will expand and pay down 7 spots - Big Fish Friday will now pay out top 10 spots to celebrate our 10th year - Tournament boundaries will be New York State waters only - There are several extra CASH Bonus opportunities provided from our sponsors - The ability to give away a brand new 2020 LUND boat motor and trailer package We are currently working on several additional opportunities for the 2020 tournament as we continue to grow and set new standards for professional walleye fishing. We will be sending out a Spring 2020 Newsletter summarizing these exciting additions. Watch for the newsletter the first week of April 2020. Hard copies of the enclosed tournament package will be available shortly for each team captain. Please feel free to forward this email package to your teammates and any other anglers that you may know that might be interested in the tournament. The 2020 tournament is truly going to be the best yet. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at any time. I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Capt. Don Ruppert
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