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Everything posted by yellowpike1

  1. havent heard much went out of dunkirk last fri docks were pulled allready we got nine out on the line
  2. was out sat afternoon dunkirk on the line straight out of the harbor easy pickens
  3. fish are over just got to find them this was sat nite
  4. yhere saying docks in at hanvoer 4/1
  5. east of the Catt just past evanagola state park 52 to 58 ft of water
  6. Lake Erie gave up some gold yesterday great day to be fishing
  7. we fished this past weekend it was on fire same spot each day 55 ft off water the beach
  8. there was over a 125 boat trailers between hanover and the state ramps today
  9. i being going out of st pt had some good reports from a few friends hit the first 52 drop you know where i mean Yukon John
  10. the warm water is east of the Catt sat pics then sun
  11. we fished out of the Catt Sat AND Sun sat first are sat pics we did 17 Sun was aonther day fishing is on fire out there
  12. did you fish the first 90 ft or the second 90 ft we fished fri sat and sun in the second 90 caugth well over 70 fish in that area in three day while fishing the con club derby
  13. ill take them
  14. we fished out of Buffalo sat night got in the water at nine o'clock set up at the north gap 33 to 47 ft of water running lead 2 3 4 color with sticks of the boards out to the line towards to the elbow first fish hit the floor in 10 min after that it was crazy we boated over 15 fish two over 8 lbs one 7 lbs and whole lot 3 to 5 lbs we weigth in two fish lost two big fish that straigthed out the treble hooks and yes it was a little sporty out Good Luck the fishing should only get better Yellowpike out
  15. get there early there wont be any body in the booth
  16. off RT 5 north of smoke creek
  17. we fished off center rd 80 to 85 ft most fish 60 ft down most fish came on wire dipseys green was good good luck
  18. great day on the water out of the Catt
  19. Fished out of the Catt on fri 75 to 85 ft straigth out the fish are still there
  20. there ice free send it
  21. ill take lot # 1 Group 1 18 total Renosky lures assorted colors $40
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