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Bottom Bouncer

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Everything posted by Bottom Bouncer

  1. Fished the same area yesterday from 5-7pm. Got a two man limit. Most of ours came on 7 color lead core with a few coming off the downrigger and 2 off a bottom bouncer. Thank you to the guys at the launch who gave me the Intel. I hadn't planned on starting that deep but you put us right on them.
  2. Just curious, was it just hole clogged?
  3. This used to happen to me quite frequently when fishing shallow water for bass and happened to me earlier this year fishing out of Barcelona. Try taking a piece of lawn trimmer string or even some wire and use that to clean out the exit hole. That should get it flowing again
  4. Fished Barcelona this morning and caught a two man limit in just over 2 hrs. All on wormharnesses with about half coming on leadcore and the other half bottom bouncers. Caught fish between 67 - 92 fow. Color didn't seem to matter
  5. About 30 ft for me.
  6. Fished Barcelona yesterday morning and got a two man limit slow trolling bottom bouncers from 58 - 72 fow. Color didn't seem to matter.
  7. The bite was real good today. Got 13 keepers, 6 shorts and missed about 12 between 60 -75 fow slightly west of the harbor. All on wormharnesses, color didn't seem to matter nor did the method as we caught bottom bouncing, off the downriggers and 5, and 9 color leadcore. I did lose a rod today, so if anyone snags an ugly stik with a Cabela's branded reel and a black and gold harness and is willing to return it I'd very much appreciate it.
  8. A lot of boats out this am, but also a ton of fish on the screen from 75-85 fow. The bite wasn't great, but it was pretty good and I got my 6. Got bites on 9 color leadcore, off the downrigger and one bottom bouncing. Watermelon and black wormharnesses.
  9. I use Black's releases and set them the same way. Never have a problem with smaller fish tripping them.
  10. Everybody has their preference. I usually keep two bottom bouncers out most of the time as part of the spread. We just keep them in rod holders and ck them periodically to make sure they are on the bottom. On days they are hitting the bottom bouncers more I'll add more and remove the downrigger or lead core lines. It's the easiest and cheapest way to fish and sometimes most effective.
  11. Fished solo this am and got my limit in just over an hour. All on harnesses from 67-82 fow
  12. Got 11 this am west of the harbor in 70 fow. All on worm harnesses at various depths
  13. Fished west of the Catt in 80 fow this afternoon. We ended up with 9, all on wormharnesses fished off downriggers and 9 color lead core.
  14. Did anybody get out today? Want to try this afternoon and wondering how rough it is?
  15. Great fishing out of the Catt this morning. Two man limit in two hours fishing in 67 - 82 fow. All caught on wormharnesses. A couple off downriggers but the majority were on 8 and 9 color lead core.
  16. Fished west of the creek today from 65 - 80 fow. We ended up with 17 walleyes, plus a couple perch. Fish were caught bottom bouncing, off downriggers, and 8 & 10 color lead core. If you plan to fish wormharnesses take plenty of worms. The silver bass were also biting and we went thru over 40 nightcrawlers. Once we were out of worms we tried stickbaits but only managed a perch and a short walleye (our 4th). Overall a great day of fishing.
  17. Slow morning for us yesterday. We ended up getting 6 bites and landed 5 between 630 and 1030. We marked a lot early but then they disappeared from the screen. We didn't start catching until about 830 and unfortunately had to quit early due another obligation. Ours were an even mix of bottom bouncing, down riggers and leadcore. All on harnesses with no dominant color.
  18. Fished out of the Catt this morning. Got 5 and lost one at the boat. Also got 4 perch. Everything was in 72 - 78 fow a little west of the creek. Best action came on 7 color lead core. Watermelon harnesses. Kind of strange as we got 2 in our first 15 min (started around 630) and then the other 4 bites were spread out over the next 3 and half hours. Had to quit early due to other obligations.
  19. Slow morning out of Barcelona this morning. Fished everywhere from 60 - 105 fow. Only managed 4. Three came of the downriggers and one on the bottom. Watermelon harnesses took 3 of our 4.
  20. Thanks. So what are they targeting? Perch?
  21. Last time out of Barcelona we saw a commercial fishing boat setting out nets in 80-85 fow right near where we were catching walleyes. This was deeper and further west from the area marked with orange flags (which I've been told are perch nets). I thought the commercial walleye fishing industry in NY waters was bought out years ago. Does anybody know about this? Do they use gill nets or something different?
  22. There's still a decent bite going on in Barcelona. Got a two man limit today with fish scattered from 65 - 83 fow. Most came off the bottom but 4 came off the riggers at 45 ft. All came on worm harnesses and no color was dominant.
  23. I can't help but think it has to do with water clarity. The last 2 times out the bite was great until 9am. Once the sun was high in the sky they all but stopped. The early morning bite is always better, but it usually slows down a little more gradually. This is a hard stop. Might be a coincidence, but maybe not.
  24. Fished out of Barcelona again this am. Got 6 before 9 and then only 4 between 9 and 4. They were a little deeper today as most of our fish came in 75 fow. 7 of them came off the bottom and 3 came off downriggers. Watermelon, black/ chartreuse, and red/copper harnesses today. Also got one short and a perch.
  25. $15 to launch??? I'd like to see the marina stay open, but $15 is outrageous.
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