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  1. Lake Erie Islands Smallmouth Bass Fishing. Here's a little something to get you through the cabin fever. Nice fall day of smallmouth fishing around the Lake Erie Islands. https://rumble.com/v6k1szg-lake-erie-islands-bass-fishing.html?mref=66lt3&mc=9e0fe
  2. It was cold out this past week, but the fish didn't seem to mind. Here's some underwater footage of fish swimming around in groups on East Harbor of Lake Erie. https://rumble.com/v6cefep-take-a-look-under-the-ice.html?mref=66lt3&mc=9e0fe
  3. While I was filming on Lake Erie this past fall I came across a bluegill with some severe damage to its dorsal area. I'm curious on your thoughts of what may have caused it. Short video of damaged bluegill underwater
  4. I know we have had this question before for what is the craziest thing you have seen on the water. This question is for just this year. What is the oddest or craziest thing you witnessed while fishing this year? Mine was late summer while fishing with my channel partner Jim. We went out of Port Clinton Ohio on Lake Erie. The first one that caught us by surprise was a lady coming out of her home as we were fishing the bank. She had a well fitted bikini on and we tried not to make it obvious as we took a look her way. The next thing you know she walks down to the beach and out in the water coming towards us. We were only in about 3 foot of water so first thought was is she going to walk all the way to our boat? Was she made because we were fishing in front of her beach front home? Nope! Instead she gives us big smile and drags some kind of core digger for taking samples. She walks about 15 feet from our boat and bends over giving a full shot of the cleavage as she turned the core around and around. I know I should have just turned the GoPro right in her direction, but I didn’t . Lol. It was pretty apparent she did it on purpose. You can see her in the intro part of the video in the link below. It was a distant shot as we were moving away. The next thing that happened was just a couple hours later. We were fishing the Portage River mouth where it enters Lake Erie. There is heavy boat traffic that is constantly going in and out of the river. Including the giant ferry boats that go to the islands. People line the rock pier and fish all the way up and down for catfish. This young man was fishing when a yacht got a little too close to his catfish line. The next thing you know the boat’s intake sucked his line up ,and his rod took off from shore as it was sucked in the intake. He was furious he lost his fishing pole. That is around the 3:55 minute mark I think in this video. What was your craziest thing you seen in 2024? https://rumble.com/v5o6vnb-port-clinton-ohio-bass-fishing.html?mref=66lt3&mc=9e0fe
  5. I headed out to a very popular Shipwreck on Lake Erie. I decided to fish it first and then take an underwater view of it afterwards. It's quite humbling when you see so many fish that didn't bite. You ever come across a massive school of fish that didn't want to bite? This wreck sits in 15 to 20 feet of water. https://rumble.com/v5i1ogt-shipwreck-loaded-with-smallmouth-bass.html?mref=66lt3&mc=9e0fe
  6. My last shallow water bass fishing trip on Lake Erie. Shallow Water Bass Fishing Video Click Here
  7. I did one more filming session out on Lake Erie looking along the bottom. I came across someone's lure snagged on the bottom during this filming season. I made sure to take a look at the rock piles and various structures along the bottom. Hope you enjoy. https://rumble.com/v58zvx9-lake-erie-fish-under-the-waves.html?mref=66lt3&mc=9e0fe
  8. Right near the Michigan line near the Detroit River. Water is still fairly clear there.
  9. I found a school of perch on Lake Erie that were loving hanging around this big rock. https://rumble.com/v58k0te-yellow-perch-of-lake-erie-under-the-waves.html?mref=66lt3&mc=9e0fe
  10. I went looking for the Success Shipwreck due to the fascinating history of the ship. In this video, you will find out the facts of it being used as a floating prison. The Great Houdini did an escape trick from one of its cells. The water was murky this day, but there are quite a few fish swimming around the wreck. https://rumble.com/v578vv9-the-history-and-underwater-view-of-the-success-shipwreck-on-lake-erie.html?mref=66lt3&mc=9e0fe
  11. Thanks man. Glad you enjoyed it. I have another one I'm working on from today around the islands.
  12. Who still uses their side scan fairly regularly? I had it on my old boat, then when I got my fiberglass Ranger it didn't come with it. I didn't replace it for several years. I finally got it back on my boat I got in the fall. Man, I didn't realize how much I missed it until I put back on this boat. I was scouting around Lake Erie and came across a couple old wrecks on the bottom that I never knew were there. I had my ice fishing camera with me, and I was able to drop that down as well and get a decent look at it with the fish around it. I have to say it was my highlight of fishing year so far. I think I enjoy finding something new to fish as much as catching a big one sometimes. This spot did hold good smallmouth too. https://rumble.com/v55k4xt-finding-shipwrecks-with-your-electronics.html?mref=66lt3&mc=9e0fe
  13. For those that can't get out ice fishing this weekend. Here is some summer action from Sandusky Bay. Sandusky Bay Video Click Here
  14. Long winter months. I think next year I will forgo winterizing the boat so soon. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May 2024 bring you many tight lines in 2024. Lake Erie Fishing Video Click Here
  15. Spring bass fishing can be some of the most fun fishing you have all year long. It's hard to beat Lake Erie for a great numbers of Largemouth that are in it's waters. When the winds get bad on the lake, there is always somewhere to dip the boat in and have a fun day of fishing. Hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving. Lake Erie Marina Bass Fishing Video Click Here
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