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Everything posted by Bob123

  1. You are absolutely right! If the towns would get together and sponsor some contests were a father could take his kids fishing without a boat I'm sure some kids would really enjoy it and want to keep fishing and later on in life be able to get a boat and try lake fishing. The towns I believe don't know how much money is generated through these contests. My facebook is always showing some kind of contest's all over except western NY. Some parents cannot afford a boat to fish the south town walleye contest, but im sure if there was a local contest people just might get more involved with there kids.
  2. The road to the ramps has a lane for un strapping your boat some people pull up to the ramps get out and do it their, which holds up other people that pull to the side and un strap their boat like your suppose to do, then you have people walking in front of you or beside you when your trying to back the boat in which is an accident waiting to happen.
  3. At least 12 inches
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