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  1. Stu Sturgeon point? Sent from my XP8800 using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  2. Thank you
  3. Anyone having any luck on perch out of sturgeon point
  4. Can't fish that lake with a south west wind. Limited both days over the weekend. Lot of eaters. A few big cows return to the lake Sent from my E6810 using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  5. Totally agree. There's a few asshats on this site. Not like this on any of lake Ontario website. We are willing and happy to share any information that would help a visitor or newby catch fish. Sent from my E6810 using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  6. Sturgeon point. Was thinking about going back this weekend. Sent from my E6810 using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  7. Was wondering if the fishing picked up since last Sunday. Sent from my E6810 using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  8. Slide diver on a 2 setting Sent from my E6810 using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  9. Marked fish from 25 ft to the bottom. Used sticks and harness. Pink , purple and black Sent from my E6810 using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  10. Took three today.60 to 70 fow. 1 on a five color, 1 45 down off the rigger and 1 on a ten color. Fished west to the catt. What was I doing wrong Sent from my E6810 using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  11. Heading that way tomorrow. Sturgeon point? Sent from my E6810 using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  12. Sweet and I thought I was the grumpy one Sent from my E6810 using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  13. They getting any walleye during the day light hours Sent from my E6810 using Lake Erie United Mobile App
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