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About Dewey

  • Birthday 11/24/1984

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    Wheatfield NY

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  1. Bow and stern has nice boats the guy is very nice.
  2. Went out of small boat harbor. Lots of marks lost one in 35 ft near the wind mills. Didn't fish long this morning. Pulled worm harnesses. Our only bite came on chartreuse
  3. Went today and fished the windmills. Lots of marks only caught a sheephead and a smallie. Pulling worm harnesses. Greens and oranges. Hope it gets better than this I have yet to catch a walleye this year but ice only been out 2 times for walleye
  4. I'll text you in a little bit. -Eric
  5. I can't post a pic right now I will try to in a little bit. Keeps saying upload failed when inter to upload a pic
  6. I have a set of collapsible wood Amish outfitter planer boards with shock cords. I've had these for about 3 years. Looking to get 100$ For them local pick up around buffalo. Might be able to work something out to meet someplace a little farther
  7. I'm gonna call you tomorrow thanks Larry
  8. Hey Larry are you still doing trips on the Niagara?
  9. I've been persuaded to go to Erie Friday night as well.
  10. I was afraid of that. Thanks for the update I guess I will try Lake Ontario Sunday.
  11. I might try my luck Friday night. Still new to walleye fishing. Probably going to troll for them around 8 foot of water. I haven't seen many reports from the buffalo area.
  12. I'm not sure what tournament it was. But it was a pain in the butt launching the boat at the sbh. They didn't start fishing until about 8 this morning which I though was crazy. Lots of Canadian boats. Looked like everyone was heading past sturgeon point
  13. I went out this morning and got stuck behind a ton of guys launching for the tournament. Got out later that I wanted. Didn't get nothing. Only marked 3 or 4 fish. We were out alittle deep than I wanted to but the others wanted to go deeper so we fished 20-30 ft in the pack of boats. Maybe next week....
  14. I'm gonna be heading out to try my luck as well from small boat harbor. My dad has been bugging me for a long time to go so I said what the heck. We're gonna drift worm harnesses and try jigs. Probably launch around 5 am too. I have a silver ford with a blue 19 ft Lund pro V. If you see me say hi. We're gonna be very green with walleye so we appreciate any tips or starting points.
  15. I've been waiting for a little bit warmer day myself to get out in my boat. I normally fish all winter in the Niagara but the old boat slowly broke and I don't want to be unfamiliar with my boat while I'm up river.
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