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problem child

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    erie pa

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  1. after the lake calmed down yesterday the afternoon bite was good. managed to catch 8 walleye with 2 throwbacks.
  2. colder than average water this year has slowed the westward migration. should improve soon
  3. the eyes usually are above the thermo, yesterday 45 was thermo. we caught 8 eyes fishing clean reefs over 78 fow and dropped riggers to 50fow with DW SS for steel. only took 2 steel both down 50 and even caught eyes at the same time on the reefs down 30-35fow.
  4. the steel are...
  5. usually 40-60 ft back for walleye.
  6. been doing a lot of turns/speed ups after marking fish to trigger bites.
  7. I took a friend out last year, he kept all the white bass. Loved em he said... I'm not much of a fish eater, walleye about 5 times a year is it for me. I ve released over 30 eyes this year alone. Don't worry though, I will kill plenty in the coming months, always have fish to give friends. I'm always out for the trophy fish and the sport of it.I have been told drum is good smoked or made into fish cakes but I wouldn't know LOL
  8. ready for some bigger ones... seems like a lot of smaller 19-22 inch fish this spring night fishing.
  9. thanks, haven't been out all week since last sunday. found them in 35-42fow, but heard a bunch of fish moved into the area I fish last couple days.
  10. sounds good, targeting same depth as you. We mainly run RR 800's and bandits all summer to avoid the endless white bass on the harnesses. think 60 back is good?
  11. anyone ever run harnesses off big boards? was thinking maybe 60 back with 2oz or 3oz snap weight in the middle.
  12. that's it! tomorrow I'm runnin some harnesses... Need to try something other than cranks.
  13. Lol typical memorial day on PIB...
  14. genera formula is 5 ft of depth per ounce of added weight. keep in mind speed is critical, slower you go the deeper it sinks.
  15. Seems like a lot of muskies this year. The espa trout challenge had at least 3 caught that I know of.
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