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Everything posted by Gamekilr

  1. Dream boat and a steal Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  2. Sold Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  3. 14 ft alumnacraft. Like new yahama 15hp four stroke. Live well rod holders storage storage up front. Fish finder new minn Kota electric trolling motor. 3500 Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  4. 175. Bo. Trade fishing equipment Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  5. Ttt Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  6. Michigan stainless prop mercruiser 14 1/2x15 $200 bo Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  7. SOLD Sent from my iPhone using Lake Erie United
  8. Yeah. I'm currently ordering new rollers for them though
  9. Pair of Cannon 10a electric downriggers. Triple rod holder on each. Auto stop one has coated cable and antenna for sub troll 450
  10. 200. Want them gone
  11. A pair of older big Jon electric downriggers. Dual rod holders works good. Don't use them 250
  12. Panther steering Got a panther steering system with remote. 250/bo
  13. Gamekilr

    for sale 14' micro craft

    14' micro craft 81 micro craft boat and trailer. 9.5 Johnson. With many extras 1000
      • 1
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  14. Cannon 10a Got a pair of cannon 10a electric downriggers with autostop. Triple rod holders. Two on the boom. One on the back. 400
  15. Sold. Thanks
  16. Ok thanks
  17. Sturgeon point Anyone know if sturgeon point is open? Or accessible? Perch are calling haha
  18. Cannons electric Got two older cannon electric downrigger one 3' boom and the other has 18' boom. Triple rod holders. Haven't used in years. Bo/ trade fishing hunting gear
  19. Wanted panther or powrtran Looking for a panther or powrtran steering system for my kicker motor
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