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Everything posted by Canuknucklehead

  1. What time of day, what were you using?
  2. My neighbor's friend's boat got 100 perch off Point Albino this morning.
  3. I hope to put my boat in Sugarloaf marina on Friday, I bought a couple Chamberlain releases, look forward to using them.
  4. Thanks, I fish off of Port Colborne.
  5. How long are your harnesses, how far apart are your hooks, do you ever use 2 blades on a harness?
  6. First Class Service... I just order two Chamberlain Releases but inadvertently ordered three. I immediately sent an e-mail message advising of my error and asked that they correct the order. One minute later I received an email message from Keith Chamberlain stating "No problem" followed by another e-mail one minute later from PayPal advising that my order had been corrected. One-half hour later I received another e-mail from Keith Chamberlain advising my package had been shipped. In my opinion, this is first-rate service.
  7. My neighbor and I are going on Saturday.
  8. Thanks for the quick reply.
  9. What lb test do you use on your Okuma cold water reel when fishing walleye on downriggers, I'm going to Bass Pro to purchase this reel next week.
  10. You did better than I did, caught 7 jumbos and about a half dozen little ones off Pt Albino in 55 FOW.
  11. The surface temperature was 60 this morning, went up to 63 in the afternoon.
  12. Several days ago I watched a guy at Sugarloaf Marina clean Jumbo perch he caught in 65 FOW off Point Albino, Ontario.
  13. I was out today southwest of the weather buoy, tried spoons, and crankbaits and caught nothing. Changed over to worm harness and caught 2 walleye in less than 20 minutes in 80 FOW about 15 feet off the bottom. Shortly after that, I called it a day, the flies were driving me nuts. I must have swallowed a dozen or more.
  14. I was out in 85 feet of water today west of the weather buoy, caught 5 walleye, released one because it was undersized. All were caught on worm harnesses. I marked 3 locations with fish down between 70 and 80 feet and released the line as I passed over them. I did this for about 3 hours.
  15. I was out today west of the weather buoy, caught 3 walleye on downriggers using a worm harness. The were about 20 boats in the area, many quickly caught their limit. Great day on the lake, it was almost like a mirror.
  16. I use 10 lb cannonballs, and have 2 manual downriggers, went out this morning by the weather buoy, caught one lost one. A couple of times I released only to find a fist full of zebra muscles on my worm harness.
  17. Thanks, that was really good advice, I'll be going out tomorrow morning to fish in the vicinity of the weather buoy. I've never heard of Dubro releases, I'm going to look into them right away.
  18. New to Downriggers I live in Fonthill about 20 minutes north of Port Colborne, Ontario, my boat is docked at Sugarloaf Marina in Port Colborne. I've been fishing for 67 years and consider myself a fairly decent fisherman when casting, trolling or jigging for walleye on small lakes and rivers. Last August my wife and I sold our cottage on Rice Lake, after an 18 year layoff I've returned to fishing Lake Erie. I must be doing something wrong because I'm not having much success with downriggers. My boat has 2 cannon downriggers, I usually have one set 10 - 15 feet from the bottom and the other at the halfway mark with worm harnesses on both. I usually fish within a mile or two of the weather buoy. My boat came equipped with a Hummingbird 175, it's next to useless, it rarely picks up fish in deep water. I'll probably upgrade to a better unit during the winter. I've been trailing my worm harness about 50 -60 feet behind my cannonball. I also changed to Walker releases because I was dragging fish around using the Cannon releases. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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