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Everything posted by Canuknucklehead

  1. Don't feel bad, I've been fishing for sixty-eight years and I'm still terrible.
  2. Lots of member of this forum fish Port Maitland, Port Colborne and Crystal Beach. I'm Botchegalup on Niagara Fishing. You should do well in 60 feet of water
  3. Welcome, I too fish the Canadian side out of Sugarloaf Marina, Port Colborne.
  4. Here is an accurate weather site. https://www.windy.com/?43.000,-79.266,5
  5. I'm also a Shellback, crossed the line four times. I have a 16.5 boat and quite a bit of experience on the water, I regularly go out 10 - 12 miles or more out of Port Colborne. You're pushing it on Lake Erie once the wind reaches 18 mph.
  6. I've never gone out at night, how late do you fishing into the evening? What water depth and are the fish near the surface.
  7. Here's the article. Great Lakes Temperature
  8. Check out the 'About Us' page, it's all about the Home Depot, this website was probably created by scam artists that don't understand English or too lazy to use Google Translate. Its owner country is the Czech Republic, the website is located in the US. The website states it supports SSL; however, the site's security status in my browser address isn't preceded by a lock symbol/Secure and does not have https. There is also no company e-mail address shown or telephone number.
  9. Welcome to Lake Erie United, I'm also from Ontario and fish the same areas you do. My boat is docked at Sugarloaf Marina.
  10. Caught a 5 or 6 pounder this afternoon in 70 feet of water south of Nickle Beach, Port Colborne. I was fishing 6 feet off the bottom using watermelon colored crawler harness with green and black beads. This was the first walleye I caught using a Chamberlain Release. The line released and set the hooks the moment the walleye hit the crawler harness.
  11. Where exactly is the windmill grid?
  12. Twenty-three years ago I towed a boat from Point Abino on the Canadian side to Buffalo Harbor. I could have dropped him off at the yacht club a half mile away, but his car and trailer were on the American side. I'm retired Navy, you never ignore a boater in distress.
  13. This is an accurate weather service. https://www.windy.com/?43.000,-79.266,5
  14. Thanks, I have a couple of Big Jon Side-Liner In-Line planer boards, I'll try your suggestion in a couple of days by flatlining a crawler harness 100 - 150 feet behind and out from my boat.
  15. I went out from Port Colborne between 8 am and 2 pm, fished in 40 - 50 FOW between 20 and 35 feet using 2 downriggers with crawler harness, didn't catch a thing. The surface temperature was 58°F. I'll try trolling with crankbaits around the breakwater in a few days, the bottom is rocky, and the water is about 10 to 15 feet deep.
  16. Thanks, I hope to have my boat in the marina by the weekend.
  17. At what depth were you fishing?
  18. When moving it lights up the bugs, the air is saturated with them.
  19. It really comes in handy at night, you can shine it directly into the boat whenever you catch a fish.
  20. I have a GoLight, I purchased it about five years ago when I had a camp on the Trent River in the Kawartha Lakes. Returning to camp in the dark was dangerous because the river has lots of buoys. The first night I used it I came upon a guy fishing in the dark in a paddle boat with no navigation lights. About a month later I stumble upon a couple making out in the middle of the lake with the navigation lights turned off. This light is powerful, it would easily light up two buoys ahead of me. It operates remotely, turns nearly 360 degrees and moves up and down. GoLight GoBee Stanchion Mount Remote Spotlight
  21. My neighbor was out on Erie looking for perch, his brother-in-law caught a 17 lb lake trout, wrecked his reel bringing it in.
  22. I've been fishing for sixty-seven years, I'm new to fishing Lake Erie, they were legitimate questions.
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