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Pursuit of Freedom

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Everything posted by Pursuit of Freedom

  1. Just not a fan of giving money to PayPal. sold a ton on eBay over the years and each year they just took more and more i did send a PM..
  2. I would prefer not to given the expense. Are you local or need to ship ?
  3. No worries I have the following; 2 Okuma CV45 with 7 color lead core 6 Okuma CV45 with 5 color lead core Rob
  4. I do and actually have 6 5 color reels as well.
  5. Still have two left and available... offers ??
  6. These boards have been sold as of yesterday.
  7. Making room and these need to go...
  8. 2 - 7 color leadcore set ups are still available....
  9. Up for sale is a set of Amish Outfitter Planer boards. These boards are in great shape and ready to fish..I am located in Erie, PA and will meet within a reasonable distance. any questions please ask and thank you for looking. Price : $150 Amish Outfitters Plastic Planer Boards pull harder than other traditional planer boards. These boards run with about one-inch of the board above the water and will not dive or jump. These Plastic Planer Boards track true and perform in even rough waters. Amish Outfitter plastic planer boards pull hard enough that they will pull a smaller boat to one side with only one board out. Putting both boards out will even slow down your trolling speed. We highly recommended that these boards be used with the Amish Outfitters 500-pound Spectra Planer Board Line as standard 200-pound dacron planer board will not hold these boards in a chop. Each board is fully collapsible for easy storage. Color: White Open length: 32 in. Open width: 12 in. Open height: 8 in. Collapsed length: 38 in. Collapsed height: 8 in. Collasped width: 2 1/2 in. Qty. per pack: 1 port plus 1 starboard side board Please note: Flags are not included. Amish Outfitters Plastic Planer Boards are made in the U.S.A.
  10. Thanks for the purchase, 2 left any takers ?
  11. I have up for sale the following Okuma 45D Convector Reels which are have 18lb of Leadcore setups w/ 150ft of 30lb Power Pro and mono backer. The leaders are 50ft of 20lb Seaguar Red Label Fluro Reels are in excellent condition and ready to fish ! I have the original boxes and will ship within the US to the lower 48. 6 - 7 color - $85 each Any questions please let me know.
  12. If interested, I have a dozen 7ft GX2 rods for sale. Otherwise like mentioned above, FishUSA has plenty to choose from
  13. Text sent thank you for your interest. currently they are still available
  14. Sold pending receipt of payment thanks Doug !
  15. Thanks for the interest and purchases so far...6 left and I updated original post as well.
  16. Thanks for the interest and purchases so far...6 left and I updated original post as well.
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