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About Locoman

  • Birthday 09/23/1953

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    Lancaster NY, Jacksonville FL

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  1. Todays satellite photo.
  2. Minnows are starting to show at the usual spots in the river.
  3. i Pic was taken last Saturday. This is what 1.5 million bucks gets us. Gonna be a short launching season unless they dredge.
  4. Here ya go,,,,,,,,,
  5. Depends on the conditions that day. It's about 12 miles. If it's calm figure about 25 to 30 minutes, depending on your speed.
  6. They look in your bilge to see if there is an accumulation of oil. Dirty bilges mean leaks and will get you written up.
  7. If the Town of Evans has no interest in maintaining the marina it's about time to approach the state about making it a state park. What happened to the money that was earmarked for the repair of the breakwall?
  8. This is from the marinas website..... If you are looking for the use of the ramp with the side docks, it will be available as we build. We have put out notices that the ramp is Closed as of April 1 for Mon-Thurs until 3:30 pm each day – open after that time for use each day and all day on Fri-Sat-Sun. The ramp sides are usually the first thing installed as everything else is built off of them. The ramp’s center dock gets installed last. We hope to be clear of the ramp area by April 14. We will still be working on the dock utilities at that point, but there should be no more ramp access restrictions after that date; unless there is a weather event that puts us behind.
  9. Should be able to pull the ice boom anytime....... click on link for satellite image https://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/modis.php?region=e&page=1&template=sub&image=a1.21072.1854.LakeErie.143.250m.jpg
  10. I thought that funds for repair were appropriated last year. This marina has been mismanaged for years. It needs to become the next state park.
  11. It's all about the benjamins baby!!!!!
  12. Freighters come and go, turbines would be permanent. Some invasive species have not been as harmful as first thought. Perch, walleye, and bass are eating them up. You cannot compare the Gulf in any way to the Great Lakes system. Wayyyy different. Our dependence on foreign power is at an all time low thanks to our President. Right now the US is the number one producer of oil in the whole wide world. Diversion is right on with his post.
  13. My opinion, JoJo you're a no go. Wind turbines DO NOT belong in Lake Erie. They are a bad enough eyesore on land. What qualifies you to state there will be no harm to the fishery?
  14. Global warming
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