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Everything posted by mostlymuskies

  1. I'm curious how those on Lake Erie did today as well.We had a slow day on Chautauqua Lake only 3 walleye from 10 am to 2 pm.Barometric pressure being 30:34 had every walleye directly on bottom in 33 to 35 ft of water.5 colors of Lead Core with 4 ounce Gibbs Sinker and perch color small Chatter Sticks,slow at 1.7 mph just off bottom caught the 3 eyes. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  2. Walleye are at Donley's Wall till ice up,been out there end of December Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  3. I use 13s blue & silver floating Rapala,110 ft of 12 lb mono,6 ft 8 lbs test Seagull Fluorocarbon, small swivel between main line and leader,Rapala loop knot attaching crankbait.Trolled at 1.8 mph 15 ft from edge of Donley's Wall.Best time is 11 pm to 2 am. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  4. 6.2 footers and building right now ,will be rolling in the morning still with West winds at 25 mph Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  5. Going back to Chautauqua Lake tomorrow for eyes,will give Lake Erie till Tuesday morning to settle down Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  6. Glad I stayed home today,going to try Monday Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  7. I stayed off thinking it would be 3 to 4 footers Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  8. Jimski2, Thanks going to try to get out Monday afternoon if it lays down enough. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  9. RD9,Yes the perch I marked were 10 ft off bottom as well Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  10. I marked some perch last week in 75 ft of water off Silver Creek,actually caught 1 on 3D harness in Copper Orange color on a turn Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  11. Shorthanded,I use to leave the dock on the Niagara River and head out for Muskies in the early 70's.Everyone was tight lipped and would even change lures on their rods before coming to the dock to throw you off.I vowed I would never be that way and help people with real info to make their fishing experience better.For many years I moderated a board with fishinfo.com and gave daily fishing gear reports for 20 years. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  12. Walleye Wizard,The eyes we have been catching at Chautauqua Lake have been 4 to 8 lbs,with bigger shoulders then Lake Erie. Depends on wind direction on dealing with floating cut weeds,West or SW is best,North or Northeast is the worst for North Basin.I might end up back there Thursday & Friday if Erie is rolling over 3 ft. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  13. 5 to 8 eyes in a 5 hour day,just working the 35 ft water from Bell Tower to Prendergast. 3 colors of lead core,out on little boards, Brown & Gold crankbaits at 2.1 mph. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  14. Yes you are correct the bottom of deep holes have thermicline and not much oxygen,but most of the bigger walleyes suspend out 20 to 25 ft down over 32 to 36 ft of water in July August & September. It has been this way since I started guiding there in 1975. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  15. jimski2,Doesn't matter if I'm fishing Muskies or Walleye ,I catch walleye 20 ft down over 32 to 36 ft of water all July,August & September.They are out there because the bait fish are out there suspended in water that is 3 degrees cooler then the surface. 79 degree surface north basin,76 degrees down 20 ft,81 degrees on Mayville Flats. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  16. You could see the bait fish breaking the surface yesterday with the overcast sky in the area of colder surface water.Your right every bluebird day's I'm almost dragging bottom to catch eyes.Also slower at 1.9 when eyes near bottom and 2.2 mph when eyes near surface. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  17. When we caught the 12 eyes yesterday,we marked nothing on the screen.Everything was moving away from the boat up high in top 25 ft.That is why the boards further out produced most of the fish.Found one spot that had 76 degree water and pounced on it,everywhere else was 77 degrees +. Back out Friday next,will have to search again! Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  18. Yes we caught 12 eyes off Purina in 90 ft of water,all fish up high on 5 colors of Lead Core with Rainbow Trout Renosky's at 2.2 mph Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  19. The hill northeast of Purina out of Dunkirk,80 ft sliding to 90 ft Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  20. We are now getting toward the time of the year when the wind blows most days,so you have to roll in them if you want fish. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  21. CSH Kucinski,Erie County Fair Sunday ,will go out of Dunkirk Monday morning. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  22. I'm sure the waves are still rolling from last night's winds.But looking out my window in Tonawanda the trees are just as steady as can be,should have gone this morning before the winds go back up. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  23. I fished the north basin 4 times since mid July,a little floating grass but no large pines of weeds.But then again I'm also use to running four lead core lines there for Muskies and cleaning all day. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  24. I fished the north basin 4 times since mid July,a little floating grass but no large pines of weeds.But then again I'm also use to running four lead core lines there for Muskies and cleaning all day. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
  25. I have been running 3 colors of lead core off boards at 2.1 mph and catching eyes there all month on Rapala Scatter Raps. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Erie United Mobile App
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